The Archdiocese of Chicago includes 2.3 million Catholics who live in Cook and Lake Counties. The archdiocese is organized into six different regions and each region has an Episcopal Vicar who assists the Archbishop, Cardinal Cupich, by providing leadership in each respective region. The regions are referred to as Vi¬cariates; St. Raphael is located in Vicariate 1 which includes 51 parishes in Lake and northwest Cook counties.
Open Arms Mission Food Pantry 1548 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. St. Raphael the Archangel parishioners volunteer the second Wednesday and fifth Tuesday of each month. Wednesday, February 12, 2020, is the next date when our help is needed. To volunteer, call Pat Clark at 847.395.5683.
On the weekend of January 25-26 we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America! Many people in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have access to church programs and ministries because of a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers. Your generosity makes it possible for our brothers and sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean to share in the life of the Church and grow closer to Christ. Please be generous to the special collection! To learn more, please visit
Wednesday, January 1, the Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title: Mary, Mother of God (a holy day of obligation: Vigil Mass on December 31 at 4:00pm and January 1 at 9:00am and 11:00am)
Lately someone has been using my name in sending fraudulent emails to people in our area requestion that you respond and send items such as gift cards. Please do not open any emails that claim to be from me without first sending an email to me at the address below and verifying that I sent the initial email. Any questions, please call me at the parish. Father Mike Thank you.
St. Raphael is looking for additional Altar Servers. If you are between the ages of 9 and 14, and would be interested in becoming a server for our weekend Masses, please have your parents fill out this form. You will be contacted to schedule training sessions. Your service to our Church and parish is greatly appreciated. Click on the picture to complete the Request Form and You will be contacted to schedule training sessions
CHRISTMAS SEASON As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord today, we reach the conclusion of the Christmas Season. Before we take down the manger scene and Christmas lights, I want to thank once again all who helped us with the liturgies. I am also grateful for those who helped us welcome 1,600 people on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It seems the last three weeks we have seen many new faces in church; I hope that our guests and visitors consider becoming part of our parish. Thanks also to all who donated in support of our Christmas collection; as we go to press it looks good that our parish met our financial goal for this year. God bless you!
Each year we accept donations for our Families in Need Fund. This fund helps our parish assist people in our parish family who are hurting financially and need help during the Christmas Season and beyond. There is a lot of "quiet good" that goes on in our parish thanks to the kindness of parishioners. If you can contribute to this year's fund, please place a donation in an envelope marked "Families in Need"; you may place the envelope in the collection or see me in church. Thank you for helping some of the families in our parish this year.
Interested in becoming Catholic? Are you baptized and in need of completing full ignition into the Church? Catholic and desiring to update your catechism? The Church's process for this is called RCIA, or the "Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults. At St. Raphael, we begin each year in late September. Times and location vary with participation needs. If interested, contact Fr. Mike ([email protected]; 847.395.3474) or Deacon Greg ([email protected]; 517.258.1463).